Kiln Firing Services
Inspired Minds Art Center offers public firing services up to Cone 04.
We operate a Skutt-1027-3 electric kiln in our pottery studio.
Firing Rates are the following:
$3: Single piece up to 6 inches
$5: Single piece over 6 inches
$15: 1 quadrilateral shelf
$25: 2 quadrilateral shelves
$40: 3 quadrilateral shelves
$50: 4 or more shelves
Shelf height maximum is 8 inches. If you have taller forms, you can buy a full shelf vertically.

What we Fire:
We fire up to Cone 04 in order to fire green pieces and glazed works simultaneously.
We will not fire wet clay, paper clay, glass, or precious metal clay.
Risks and Damages:
We will do our very best to ensure a successful firing for your clay pieces, however there are always risks when firing clay. On occasion, glaze defects may occur.
All clay must be dry when you bring it to us. We do NOT accept wet clay projects.
Inspired Minds Art Center is not responsible for any cracks that might develop during or after the firing process.
You are financially responsible for any damages to our kiln or kiln furniture attributed directly to your work.
Non-Earthenware Penalties:
Paper clay and paper armatures will NOT be fired in our kiln.
We will not fire wet clay, glass, or precious metal clay.
You must state the type of clay to be fired when you leave your pieces.
Any unknown/unstated clay items will NOT be fired.
A penalty of $40 will be assessed if there is paper or other known contaminants in the clay or if a shelf is damaged due to unknown clay type.
Transporting and Drop Off:
At drop off, you will be asked to fill out a form that includes your names, contact information, desired firing cone, and type of clay. Failure to completely fill out this form will result in a delay in firing your piece.
Unload your pieces onto the firing cart to check for pieces broken in transit
Please make sure each individual piece is signed. It will be your responsibility to identify it upon pick up.
Pieces must be free of glaze on their bases.
If your pieces need to be fully glazed and require stilts you must provide the stilts or we will charge $0.25 per
stilt used.
Loading & Unloading:
Only the Ceramics Studio Manager may load the kiln.
Only the ceramics studio manager and approved instructors many unload the kiln.
Provide a box for the Studio Manager to load your bisque pieces for pick up
Turnaround Time:
We will fire only when we are able to fill the kiln at least 2/3 full. This will insure more successful firing results.
Priority is given to class firings.
Typical turn around is 1-2 weeks, but this is NOT guaranteed.
Firings are done on a first come, first served basis.
A representative of Inspired Minds will call you when your work is ready to be picked up. Inspired Minds is only responsible for work up to 30 days after firing.
Emily Hohertz, Studio Manager, @ Emily@inspiredminds.art